旧金山的韦斯特蒙特 ag娱乐官网项目


The cost of the program matches the cost of a semester on Westmont’s campus (tuition, 费用, 食宿). 是的, financial aid applies even if you have studied abroad already or plan to go abroad in the future. Consider a semester in 旧金山 as Westmont off-campus housing.

申请Rose Marie Springer多元化奖学金

Find additional information about 旧金山的韦斯特蒙特, contact ocp@psozxd.com或访问Kerrwood Hall的全球教育办公室.  对于非韦斯特蒙特学生,请联系您的留学办公室.


  • 类站
  • GPA(最低2分).3 GPA)
  • 申请及论文
  • 个人和教员推荐信


除上述一般资格外, 以下是必须满足的要求, 有或没有合理的住宿, 为了完成该计划的所有基本要素. 所有参与者必须能够:

  • 在没有帮助的情况下通过楼梯.
  • 不再需要接种COVID-19疫苗, but the vaccine 和 up-to-date booster shots are still highly recommended. (Policy is contingent on the current situation 和 is subject to change)


是190:WSF实习- 8学分

满足通用电气 服务社会

This 8-unit course is centered on participation in an internship related to the professional 和 vocational interests of each student. 所有专业的学生都有实习机会. The amount of major credit received is determined by departmental guidelines 和 the type of internship selected. Components of the course include attendance at all placement orientation workshops during the first week of the semester (for Fall/Spring only); interviewing with at least three agencies/organizations prior to selecting an internship site; development of a detailed 学习 contract in consultation with one's site supervisor; 和参与 regular 阅读 和 writing assignments aimed at the reflective integration of theory 和 praxis.

实习期间每周都有一个必修的研讨会.The purpose of this required seminar is to enable students to critically engage 和 reflect on their daily internship experiences in renewed faith-based ways. The course is designed to foster a deeper underst和ing of personal-vocational identity. Through guest speaker presentations 和 shared dialogue on common workplace dynamics, this course seeks to help students discover what it means to live faithfully amidst a range of complex 和 diverse settings while integrating a Christ-centered perspective


188:与城市交战- 1单位

“Introduction to 旧金山” is a one-unit course providing essential background 和 context to help students underst和 the history 和 diversity of 旧金山, especially the challenges 和 opportunities facing specific neighborhoods of this  city where they will be living, 学习, 工作了一个学期. Students will engage with the presence 和 influence of “The City” in our world by becoming more confident navigating this particular city, 旧金山. 当学生们习惯了在这个城市里航行, 他们将加深与城市世界的接触. Students will gain knowledge 和 experience of the city’s diverse social 和 cultural communities through field trips, 面试, 阅读, 以及ag娱乐官网研究.




This course invites students to cultivate a deeper awareness of, 和参与, cultural difference 和 diversity - particularly in relation to the urban context of the 旧金山 Bay Area which will serve as the living-学习 laboratory for an integrative exploration into the themes of empathy & compassion; intercultural intelligence & competency; 和 social privilege & inequality from a distinctively Christian worldview perspective.

满足通用电气 了解社会; taught by Professor Brad Berky


英语-006:文学研究:环境- 4个单元

An exploration of the ways of knowing provided by narrative, 诗歌 和 drama. The course invites us to see how literature reveals things we cannot know except by inference or by metaphor. 进一步, by encouraging us to practice compassion by imagining the other, the course involves us in ways of knowing that are inherently ethical.


  1. 探索与自然的关系, 文学想象, 以及美国地球管理的历史.S., 包括反思我们是如何, 作为文化,自然世界的语言和文字, 和 how our language shapes our underst和ing of it 和 behaviors toward it.
  2. To underst和 the roots of some of the assumptions about nature (both useful 和 dangerous) imbedded in American mythology.
  3. 反思当前写作的角色, 讲故事, 诗歌, 和 other imaginative 和 creative work in the cause of sustainability 和 global survival.
  4. To reflect on biblical texts related to care of the created order 和 how echoes of biblical language 和 story have shaped American perceptions 和 policies.

满足通用电气 阅读 富有想象力的文学作品GE 文字/语言强化环境研究人文选修课; taught by Dr. 玛丽莲McEntyre


豌豆- 041a:城市健康和健身- 1单元

This course is designed to help 旧金山的韦斯特蒙特 students stay active 和 healthy while offering opportunities to explore the l和scapes, 街景 & local opportunities for indoor physical activities throughout the City. Involvement in this course will give students practice in exploring new urban spaces, 尽量减少对资源的影响, 和 in discovering how some forms of exercise can help navigate the stress of urban living.

Fulfills 1 unit of PEA GE credit; taught by Professor Brad Berky



Stay tuned for another class that will fulfill GE requirement(s)



学习费用由学生独立承担. The following course expenses range from $600-800 per course. Additional courses to those listed below may be approved by the registrar upon review.










根据需要, students may take courses at 旧金山城市学院 to fulfill their academic requirements. Please note this may require arriving earlier or leaving later in the semester to accommodate the CCSF academic calendar. Students must get consent from WSF faculty before enrolling in courses. 更多信息可以在伦敦金融城找到 旧金山学院 网站.



The 旧金山的韦斯特蒙特 Internship engages students in a highly structured internship focused on vocational 和 professional growth.



联络我们: wsf@psozxd.com